Thursday, June 7, 2012

What 8th graders really want to know about high school....

Here are the answers to those questions directly from high school students, who are the REAL experts on making this important transition.

How important is the freshman GPA?

In high school, your GPA is very important because it will be a reported to colleges on your transcript reflecting your academic performance.  Your GPA is a way that colleges can track the progression of your academics through out all four year of high school.  As a freshman, you want to work towards getting the highest GPA you can achieve.   Colleges understand that freshman year is a big and sometimes difficult transition, but they will still be counting that score.  They like to see a gradual increase year-to-year to show that as a student you are working hard, and take school seriously.   Large increases in any one's GPA is hard to pull off and straining on the student.   A good freshman year GPA sets a strong foundation for what the coming years will look like academically.   It is also useful to see for yourself how you achieved the GPA you did.   Good GPA's take hard work and time.   Keeping up or creating good studying habits and a balanced schedule is a good start to getting there.   Starting high school can be difficult, but just remember to work hard and do your best! Good luck!

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