YAB Teens are talking about what’s stressing our teens, what Schools and Parents NEED to know, AND what they SHOULD do.
What is
causing you the most stress right now?
Right now, I find myself the most stressed about my future
and the unknown. With the school year over,
it’s time to start focusing on AP testing and college applications now that I’m
a junior. But, I feel so lost. I am not receiving the guidance that I
need. That’s what stresses me out the
SAT, ACT, college applications, and comparing myself with
my classmates is causing me the most stress right now. It’s hard to be told “just” worry about doing
your “best” when you’re also told that life and college is a competition.
School, AP’s and standardized testing, summer plans, work
and then the start of the next school year.
Mostly just thinking about college admissions and standardized
testing. It stresses me out to even think
about it even though I know I’ll be able to get in somewhere.
Now that I am graduating more and more my stress is coming
from my Parents and sometimes friends.
Now that I am out of school, there is pressure to keep up on lots of chores
and a social life.
Each and every day I am surrounded by teens similar and
different to me at school. However, we
all find common ground where we experience the most stress… school brings about
the majority of stress and anxiety. Balancing homework, tests, sports, clubs
and just the thought of the future puts a lot on teens shoulders.
The main stressors for teens today are school and grades – students are
constantly pushed to get good grades and do homework and what is lost is
actually understanding and getting an education – this needs to change.
Are you
able to talk to someone about your stress and anxiety and if so, who? Do you
have a way to alleviate it? If yes, what
is that way?
Many times, I turn to friends to vent about my stress and
anxiety. They are the people I feel most
comfortable confiding in. However, with
them having their own stresses and anxieties, it’s difficult for them to help
me get through mine. So, recently I’ve
found sports to be the best way for the me alleviate my stress.
For the most part I talk to with my friends and sometimes
my Mom. I like driving or just getting
out of the house when I’m stressed.
I can usually talk to my friends about it because they are
also going through the same things. I sometimes can talk to my Parents but
usually they just don’t understand.
I use a journal to cope, instead of talking to
others. I like to spend time alone to
alleviate stress.
Yes, with my best friend.
Not all the time though because a lot of the time it’s me helping her
out. I usually alleviate stress by
What is your biggest concern going into Summer and Grad party season?
My biggest concern would have to be the pressure other
kids put on their peers and friends to party.
Along with that, I am concerned that adults are letting kids get by
without any consequences when choose to drink and do other illegal substances.
There is a big increase -- a lot of partying, drinking and drug use.
Nothing crazy. I
have a good group of friends and I feel that I’m a good fighter against peer
Mostly being able to say “no” when things are offered to
me even thought it makes me look and feel “uncool”.
are your schools doing to address the heightened partying? What should they know?
I honestly do not see my school going out of its way to
address the situation. I wish the
administration would make a bigger effort to stop drinking/drug use especially
at school events instead of turning a blind eye. And, if they suspect something or hear about
something they should speak up.
Teachers tend to say, “make good choices”. It’s hard for schools to do anything besides
provide information and warnings.
The schools don’t do much to address (summer)
partying. I think they should tell kids
how to be safe in the summer and encourage them NOT to participate in “partying”.
They should know that alcohol and drugs will find a way
in, so proper surveillance is very necessary.
I don’t know if they are doing anything that is truly
effective. I just know that kids get suspended
but it’s more of a bonus for them not to go to school.
I have no clue what my school is doing.
What would
you like to see or hear from Parents about this? What do Parents need to do or know?
Above all, Parents need to learn to put their foot
down. You aren’t your kids friend. You are there to keep them safe and guide
them down the right path. Be involved in
your kids’ life and don’t allow them to do anything that isn’t okay with you.
Parents can push their kids and they can have high expectations
BUT hey need to be supportive and show unconditional love. Just having a parent who cares and is willing
to help can be the greatest relief/de-stressor.
I think Parents should watch their kids and not support/accept
any drinking. I think Parents need to
know that partying definitely increases over the summer break.
I would like them to spend more time and effort
understanding mental illness because that’s where many problems stem from.
I think Parents need to know that most teens have either
experimented or regularly use substances, even if they seem like a student who
your influence to be substance free in the midst of so much self/parent/school
and peer pressure?
In this day and age, it’s no challenge to get your hands-on
substance. However, for me, I have
always been inspired by my future to keep me away from those things. I have dreams that I am determined to reach.
My influence is myself and my future to not succumb to
peer pressure and just do what I want to do.
I care about my well-being and health as well as my
future. I strive to make my family, my friends
and myself proud J
My main influence is my future. I want to get into a good college and I don’t
want anything to interfere with that.
My influence is school and my future. I have seen so many of my peers give up good
grades, college and their intelligence for drugs and alcohol.
else is on your mind?
For any other kids out there, I want to remind you to find
something that inspires you. And when
you start to deviate from the right
path, use that inspiration to give you the strength to get back on your way to your
Don’t let event the closest to you control your energy.
Teens are really struggling with all the pressure that is
put on them. I hope that Parents can and
will help them and not put more pressure on them.
Teens really need help! A lot of us say we are “fine”, but
in reality, we may feel like we’re drowning.
Plus, it always seems like everyone around us is staying so strong, so
we feel like we have to be strong too.
I wish Parents were more aware of the importance of mental
health and would make sure that their kids are emotionally healthy.
I think it is extremely important to look at mental health
as the root of the problem and should be treated as such. Time and again peers have told me they use
because of stress, anxiety or depression.